Broadcast 28-08-2023

Broadcast 28-08-2023

The Godcaster Live Broadcast at 19:00 DJ Nate Live Broadcasting with 3 artist. Their latest gig was on a Evangelism Meeting with a great social impact in this time. in an interactive podcast between DJ Nate and the band. Where do they come from, who are they and how did they end up, having such an social impact?

Lissen live DJ Nate at Dj Nate on world news today and  international news from Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and the Americas. DJ Nate takes about the 4 important questions in live with the band and the social impact on these 4 questions

  • One, who am I? It is a question about your identity and significance. …
  • Two, where do I come from? It is a question about origin. …
  • Three, where am I going to? It is a question about your destination. …
  • Four, why am I here? It is a question about purpose.

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